by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | May 10, 2021 | Digestive Health
Bile and healthy bile flow is really an unsung hero of overall health, proper digestion, regular poops, and even clear skin. Its impacts stretch far beyond the gut. Bile plays a major role in detox; it’s an antimicrobial; it’s necessary for fat digestion;...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Jan 21, 2021 | Digestive Health
As a digestive health specialist, my job is to educate you about why and how to take care of your gut so you’ll be healthier. After all, robust digestion is the cornerstone of health, and a healthy gut allows you to absorb all the wonderful nutrients from the...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Jul 22, 2020 | Digestive Health, Nutrition
If you have digestive issues, no doubt your doctor told you to eat more fiber. But if you suffer with bloating, constipation or SIBO, eating more fiber can make you feel much worse. What gives? Conventional dietary guidelines tell us to eat more fiber for optimal...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Jul 3, 2020 | Digestive Health, Nutrition
“Jolene” (not her real name) came to see me a month after being diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis, a type of irritable bowel disease (IBD). She reported “totally irregular stools” that would range between diarrhea and hard pellets, and she had ...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Jun 4, 2020 | Digestive Health
You’ve put in the work and have finally figured out that candida overgrowth is the cause of your bloating, brain fog, and digestive woes. You start an anti-candida protocol and feel like you’re on the path to feeling better. But after a few days, you start...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | May 27, 2020 | Digestive Health, Wellness
If you want to boost immune health, start with gut health! Tuning up your immune system means tending to all the bacteria friends that live inside your gut. Although your immune system is made up of cells, tissues, and organs, approximately 80 percent of your immune...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Jan 24, 2020 | Digestive Health
If you struggle with frequent bloating, gas, belching, heartburn, constipation, and/or diarrhea (you’re entitled to more than one symptom), you probably have some degree of gut dysbiosis. Dysbiosis means you have too much “bad” bacteria in relation...
by Mary Vance (Certified Nutrition Consultant) | Nov 13, 2019 | Digestive Health, Wellness
I am often asked for advice on must-have supplements and typically recommend a multi, a probiotic, and fish oil. But there’s one multitasker in particular that has such far-reaching benefits that nearly everyone can benefit from using it. It’s N-Acetyl...