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Best Probiotics for SIBO

Best Probiotics for SIBO

Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) causes annoying bloating, constipation, diarrhea (or both), and an inability to digest certain carbohydrates. The worst part about SIBO is the bloating: I’ll often hear my clients tell me that by the end of the day,...
How to Beat Bloating

How to Beat Bloating

Bloating is the most common digestive complaint I hear from new clients. Bloating can be as severe as noticeable abdominal distention and a feeling of swelling, or it could be minor and nagging, a result of trapped gas. Gas is produced as a by-product of your gut...
Three Tips to Improve Digestion Fast

Three Tips to Improve Digestion Fast

When I meet with a new client, we spend 90 minutes discussing health history in great detail. What’s occasionally heartbreaking about this is hearing someone say they don’t feel comfortable or relaxed in public because they’re constantly scanning the...
Got Bloat? SIBO: Causes and Solutions

Got Bloat? SIBO: Causes and Solutions

Digestive complaints are among the most common issue I hear, true of almost every client with whom I work. One of the more common complaints is, “by the end of the day, I look six months pregnant!” Bloating can of course be caused by many factors–...
A Guide to Fixing Digestive Issues

A Guide to Fixing Digestive Issues

Belching. Gas. Heartburn. Indigestion. Constipation. Diarrhea. Does this sound like a Tum’s commercial or what? So many of the clients I work with have accepted these symptoms as normal, and the ads we see on TV tell us to go ahead and eat all the junk we want,...
8 Tips to Improve Digestion

8 Tips to Improve Digestion

Solid digestion is the cornerstone of good health. You could be eating the cleanest, organic, nutrient-rich diet in the world, but if you’re not digesting well, you won’t be absorbing all the nutrients from your food. Feeling tired after meals, bloated,...
Avoiding the FODMAPS May Ease Your Bloating

Avoiding the FODMAPS May Ease Your Bloating

If you suffer from constipation, bloating, IBS, Crohn’s, or GERD, you’re probably frustrated with your symptoms and confused about what to eat and what to avoid. Maybe you’ve tried paleo or different gut healing diets and haven’t found success....