Antibiotics are unquestionably one of the most important medical advances known to man. Suddenly we had the ability to cure common yet potentially life-threatening infections and prevent the spread of communicable bacterial illness. But even one course of antibiotics...
Aside from our cells, we humans are home to trillions of microbes– including bacteria, viruses, fungi and more– that live all over and inside us. They are absolutely critical for our survival and have evolved alongside us over time. These microbes...
Did you know that you’re more bacteria than human? You have more microbes living in and on you than you do human cells, and they are absolutely crucial for your survival. This collection of microbes–called your microbiota–helps you digest food,...
I’m SO excited to share this recipe. It’s my first time using my friend and colleague Karen’s home fermentation device, Kraut Source. She invented it! How cool is that? And the recipe I chose, fermented watermelon rinds, packs a double punch of gut...
All disease begins in the gut, said Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. We’re really starting to see how much truth this phrase holds. For example, our gut bacteria outnumber our human cells (but not by as much as 10:1 as has been previously reported)....
You are a host to more than 100 trillion bacteria (about 3-4 pounds) that live in your gut and control every aspect of your physiology. These gut bugs, known as your microbiome, are your greatest allies to improving and maintaining your health. Our individual...
Does this sound like you? increase in allergies increasing list of foods you can’t tolerate autoimmune disease weight gain gas, bloating hormone disturbances eczema, psoriasis, acne joint pain anxiety, depression chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia If you are...
Bloating is the most common digestive complaint I hear from new clients. Bloating can be as severe as noticeable abdominal distention and a feeling of swelling, or it could be minor and nagging, a result of trapped gas. Gas is produced as a by-product of your gut...
Welcome to my site! I am a holistic nutrition consultant based in California, though I work with clients all over the world. I love houseplants, dogs, snow sports, the Golden Girls, and music that doesn't suck.
I specialize in women's health (dudes, you're welcome here too!) and helping people reverse digestive issues naturally. If you struggle with bloating, IBS, IBD, or irregular digestion, you've landed in the right place. You'll find what you need to feel better here! Please stay a while and look around. Leave your comments on my posts or contact page; I'd love to hear from you!
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