Antibiotics are unquestionably one of the most important medical advances known to man. Suddenly we had the ability to cure common yet potentially life-threatening infections and prevent the spread of communicable bacterial illness. But even one course of antibiotics...
Healing isn’t linear. If you have IBS or IBD, and you are working to restore and heal your gut, setbacks are part of the process. Just when you thought everything was going swimmingly, bam! You get hit with a flareup of diarrhea, bloating, gut pain, bleeding,...
If you’ve landed here looking for advice on candida, you’ve likely done a lot of research and uncovered a lot of conflicting info. Most, if not all, people who email me for help with candida overgrowth are deeply confused from googling and navigating...
I’ve been drinking a magical gut healing, beauty-boosting concoction for a couple months now and thought I should share it with you since I’ve noticed so many improvements! This elixir has so many benefits and is even customizable depending on your goals...
If you suspect you have candida overgrowth, you’ve landed in the right place. Not only do I have many articles all about how to get rid of candida (including this one with my free protocol), I also teach a course on the very topic! If you’re delving into a...
Fatigue is by far the most common complaint I hear from my clients and friends. We’re all so tired. Perhaps it’s related to our 24 hour on-the-go lifestyles and/or poor sleep habits. But it’s not always that black and white. We may assume it’s...
If you’ve done any research on the candida diet, you’ll come up with about 19 million results on google, most of which tell you to avoid every molecule of sugar. Some of the diets recommend phases or even bone broth cleanses. There are millions (literally)...
Collagen has become a trendy fountain of youth supplement recently, touted for its benefits for skin, hair, joints, and nails. Should you use collagen? Read all about collagen’s benefits and everything you need to know! Years ago when we started hearing about...
Welcome to my site! I am a holistic nutrition consultant based in California, though I work with clients all over the world. I love houseplants, dogs, snow sports, the Golden Girls, and music that doesn't suck.
I specialize in women's health (dudes, you're welcome here too!) and helping people reverse digestive issues naturally. If you struggle with bloating, IBS, IBD, or irregular digestion, you've landed in the right place. You'll find what you need to feel better here! Please stay a while and look around. Leave your comments on my posts or contact page; I'd love to hear from you!
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