If you want to jumpstart weight loss, improve body composition, or lower blood sugar, a ketogenic diet can help you reach your goals. “Going keto” has become a mega fad recently–and I’m not a fan of fad diets–but the ketogenic diet has a...
I’ll be blunt: A ketogenic diet is not a panacea. In fact, keto diets can be dangerous for some people. Going keto is not without risk, and the scientific research on the diet long term is still somewhat sparse. How do you know if keto is right–or...
Ketogenic diets are all the rage right now, unless you’re reading this in 2027, in which case, ketogenic diets were all the rage in 2017. My clients and even friends are starting to ask me about “going keto,” because they’ve heard it will help...
I lost both my parents to cancer. Statistically that means I have a higher risk for getting cancer, but did you know that more than half of cancers are completely preventable? (some sources cite up to 90%). You can override your genetics with diet and lifestyle...
Hangry. It’s a technical term, really: the point where you’re getting so hungry that you’re starting to get angry. Hungry + angry = HANGRY. Aside from being unpleasant to you and those around you, being hangry comes at a price. It means you’ve...
Have you been considering a weight loss program? There are so many options out there it can be dizzying: should you go gluten free to lose weight? Paleo? Do a detox? Eat low carb? What does that even mean? Do you have to give up all your bread and pasta and dessert?...
Hi, I’m Mary!
Welcome to my site! I am a holistic nutrition consultant based in California, though I work with clients all over the world. I love houseplants, dogs, snow sports, the Golden Girls, and music that doesn't suck.
I specialize in women's health (dudes, you're welcome here too!) and helping people reverse digestive issues naturally. If you struggle with bloating, IBS, IBD, or irregular digestion, you've landed in the right place. You'll find what you need to feel better here! Please stay a while and look around. Leave your comments on my posts or contact page; I'd love to hear from you!
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